Intergenerational Transfers, Private Wealth Management & Domestic Law

The Intergenerational Transfer & Capital Management practice at Shibolet & Co. is among the leaders in its field in Israel. The practice ably handles the challenges of intergenerational transfer and succession planning within and outside Israel, involving both private and business property, while safeguarding the parents’ generation and educating the next generation. This includes training the next generation and ensuring its smooth integration into the business through drafting trusts, agreements, family constitutions, family settlement agreements, gift agreements, and so forth. Led by partner Shiri Malca, the practice team has cumulative experience of more than 20 years, with expertise spanning various fields: law, accounting, mediation, and arbitration.

The practice team provides legal services to a wide range of clients:

Private Companies: The practice team counsels and advises companies regarding the many challenges related to and involved in the drafting of articles of association, the purpose of which is to prevent the company’s exposure to intra-familial conflicts of its partners and to arrange orderly succession planning for the business.

Family Businesses: The practice team advises and guides family businesses when finding solutions to ensure the continuation of the company’s activity beyond the lifespan of the original partners and founders, while integrating the second and third generations in the family business.

Drafting Wills: The practice specializes in drafting “smart” wills customized to various family, business, and financial needs, including the creation of trusts and private endowments within the will.

Drafting a Lasting Power of Attorney: The practice has specific expertise in drafting lasting power of attorney documents, by which each person can legally determine how and by whom his or her affairs will be handled in the future, in the event that he or she cannot do so independently due to dementia, mental disability, and so on.

Drafting Family Constitutions / Agreements: The practice specializes in managing multi-generational mediation / dialogue processes involving multiple participants, concluding in drawing up a family constitution / agreement that includes the family’s values, vision, and defined manner of managing the family’s private and business assets.

Civil Status

The practice is noted for its legal expertise in all aspects of the civil status field, while adhering to values that promote the amicable resolution of all family and business disputes with diligence and sensitivity. The practice team provides services of uncompromising quality to all clients across all courts, focusing on managing a meticulous strategy and correctly building the legal case in order to, among other things, help avert future conflicts in all civil status matters:

Inheritance: Comprehensive handling of complex inheritance disputes, specializing in representing clients before all courts in matters involving wills, will contests, revocation of gifts, disputes among siblings, and property claims involving a parent and child.

Property: Complete legal counsel regarding all legal challenges related to the division of property between divorcing spouses, equitable division of assets, dissolution of partnerships in real estate and companies, asset confiscation, sales agreements, and working with a trustee.

Alimony & Child Support: Handling various aspects of alimony and child support claims, the practice team specializes in managing complex custody cases, including examining and arguing against the tender years doctrine, parental alienation and contact refusal, issues relating to same-sex couples, and the promotion of joint custody arrangements.

Immigration & Child Abduction: The practice skillfully handles immigration and child abduction cases in accordance with the Hague Convention, including conducting negotiations related to immigration and relocation challenges.

Guardianship of Minors: The practice is experienced in the management of complex guardianship cases and also serves as a court-appointed guardian for minor children.

Inheritance: Managing will / inheritance contests in cases involving property, companies, assets, and funds in Israel and overseas. The firm also handles various aspects of legal proceedings related to alimony from the estate, including disclosure and determination of the scope of the claimed alimony. In addition, the firm manages all matters related to the submission of enforcement orders for a will and/or inheritance in accordance with the law, as well as the appointment of a permanent or temporary executor.

Common-Law Marriage: The practice is experienced at handling complex legal proceedings concerning common-law couples, insofar as determining or disproving the existence of the marital relationship is concerned. This includes matters such as property and real estate claims, equitable division of assets, dissolution of partnerships in real estate and companies, sales agreements, asset confiscation, and social rights in the labor courts.

Intergenerational Transfers, Private Wealth Management & Domestic Law

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