Partners Joseph Benkel and Chen Nusel together with Adv. Baruch Mankovetski and Intern Roni Mor-Yosef successfully represented Shapir Civil and Marine Engineering Ltd. and GES – Global Environmental Solutions Ltd. (a subsidiary of Generation Capital), in a motion for temporary injunctions and an administrative petition – filed by IDE Technologies Ltd. in the matter of the seawater desalination plant in Ashdod.
In the framework of the petition, IDE requested to cancel the tender for the sale and renovation of the desalination plant in Ashdod, worth billions of NIS, due to several changes made in the tender contract and approved by the tender committee, allegedly in Shapir’s favor.
The district court in Tel Aviv dismissed the motion for temporary injunctions and the petition itself, accepted Shapir’s arguments, and ordered IDE to bear Shapir’s legal costs in an amount of 100 thousand NIS.