The “Bezeq transaction” was completed, in which Searchlight Capital fund acquired the control in the dual-listed public company B-communications (BCOM), the that controls Bezeq company.
In the transaction BCOM’s shares were acquired from the previous controlling shareholder and new shares were issued, also to the public – in a cumulative value of approximately NIS 570 million.
In addition, a settlement with the BCOM’s bondholders, in a cumulative value of NIS 2.2 billion, was completed, in which, among other things, the company paid over NIS 900 million to its bondholders and issued new bonds totaling over NIS 400 million, without making any debt “write off” of the debt to the public.
This is one of the most complex debt settlements ever made in Israel.
Searchlight Capital fund, including all the aspects and elements of the settlement concerning BCOM, was represented by partners Yoram Raved, Adi Zaltzman and Saul Adereth, as well as associate Inbar Eitan-Goldstein.